Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate (500 Gm)
500 Gm
Mondelez India Foods Ltd- Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate boosts the immune system.
- Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate helps to promote overall health.
- Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate supports the active development of the brain.
- Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate helps to build inner stamina and strength.
- Details
- Benefits
Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate is a health drink with a professionally formulated mix crafted by dietitians that contains 50% of the daily vitamin D needed for strength. Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate contains a variety of nutrients known to help maintain strong bones (vitamin D, phosphorus), strong muscles (protein, vitamin D), an active brain (iodine, iron, vitamin B2, vitamin B12), and normal immune system function (vitamins (A, B12, C, D), zinc, iron, copper, selenium). As a result, Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate sustains strength.
Usage instructions-
- Mix up Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate 2 tablespoons in milk.
- Take two times a day for better results.
Safety information-
- Please read the label carefully before using it.
- Keep out of children’s reach.
- Keep it in an airtight container.
- Keep in cool, dry places, away from heat and sunlight.
- Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate is high in protein, carbs, and fat, which aids in the maintenance of an active body.
- Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and biotin aid in metabolism and the release of energy from meals.
- Folic acid and vitamin B12 help to keep red blood cells healthy.
- Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate includes vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy vision.
- Vitamin C aids in the protection of the body's cells.
- Cadbury Bournvita Health Drink Chocolate contains copper, selenium, and zinc, which help the immune system work properly.
- Vitamin D and phosphorus contribute to the formation of strong bones and teeth.
- Sodium aids in fluid balance, iodine aids in appropriate brain development, and iron aids in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the transfer of oxygen in the body.